IN the USA, the House of Representatives has voted to permit the posting of the Ten Commandments in schools and other state facilities in order to promote morality across the country. I, a local church leader in this country thinks that it is an excellent idea.

As Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I believe that it is a giant step forward in a country where they cannot offer prayers in schools. It's wonderful to note that the government leaders have realised that the Ten Commandments are vital to the morality of our people. They are a guide for life that, if everybody were to follow, would mean a far better world for all of us.

I suggest that it would be a wonderful idea if the British Government were to take up the idea.

We live in modem times and many of our children do not even know what is contained in the Ten Commandments, they are a great source of direction for everyone's life. Things such as 'do not steal', 'do not envy' and 'do not lie' are very basic but vital character traits that unfortunately are lacking in too many people these days.

Ian Chapman


The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-Day Saints

Gaskell Street


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