LATELY, Dr Brian Iddon MP has taken a bit of stick on various points, some of this from the Anti Fluoride Brigade. I admit as an individual to being one of these. When the letters were flowing early in this year about fluoride, I was there with them and I also criticised Brian Iddon for not supporting us.

I still believe that any man who thinks about humanity and helping to avoid the disasters that fluoride can cause should support this anti fluoride move. We should stand up en-bloc and be heard. This poison is a killer.

The benefits of adding this poison are ZERO compared with the ultimate and absolute damage it will do. It may currently be found in our water in small doses, but the intention ultimately is to add it in excess.

This chemical waste would also have paid for. Paying to be poisoned is a good idea, and it would save the cost of having to dump this waste product.

Brian Iddon may eventually alter his ideas about this, or he may stick to his choice.

But I do accept that he, despite this early lack of support on that issue, has turned out to be a champion of his people, and possibly at the risk of his future political career.

He has stood up against the odds to fight against the introduction of the (MCA) Medical Controls Agency), known also as MLX 249. He joined the rally in Trafalgar Square and spoke with such deep concern and passion at that rally. He also gave full support to the B6 issue, the Cannabis, Lone Parents, Fireworks safety, Amendments to the Northern Ireland Bill. The list is becoming endless.

Perhaps there are times when we do not think our Members of Parliament are not getting us what WE want, and maybe we tend to tar all of them with the same Whitehall brush. Like all jobs, it's a case of 'you cannot please all of the people all of the time'.

Brian Iddon is definitely worth his salt. I, for one, think that he deserves a round of applause.

J Allen


(address supplied)

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