I WOULD like to express my appreciation for the publication of your article in the BEN on Tuesday, June 29, and the words: Fisherman slams industrial bosses.

I only wish your camera had been there before 11am on June 28, as I was to witness the disgraceful scene.

A long stream of paint, 30 yards long 18ins wide snaking down the river, and gathering and completely covering the river's surface. Nevertheless, your prompt attention at 1pm enabled some evidence to be photographed as to the amount of the pollution.

Your prompt attention was commendable. It convinces me that the BEN is as concerned about our environment as many in the Bolton area are.

I read with interest Your Views afterwards, and the letter from Ruth Eady. Her loyalty is equally commendable, as is the promise by Mr Martin Wallen to prioritise this procedure to ensure no further escapements occur from Firwood Paints and Varnish.

I would also like to express my thanks to the Environment Agency, who sent a true professional, an industrial chemist, immediately to investigate. They tell me that they will be having further discussions with Mr Wallen, and I find that to be of great comfort.

I find it hard to believe that an "Environment Advisor" should be provoked to anger, as Ruth Eady was, that a member of the public should complain about environmental pollution after clearly complaining herself at the general lack of interest.

However, I would urge all your readers who care, to ring the Environment Agency hotline 0800 807060 if they witness any pollution and complain like mad.

There is no need to think twice about this as Ruth Eady suggests the evidence will be there to be seen. Gather as much as is possible. I am sure that the BEN will respond as magnificently as you did on June 28.

Millions of pounds of our money is being spent in the Bolton area by the Water Authority to improve our environment. Let us all play our part with our vigilance and reduce the amount of commercially produced products disposed of down the loo.

If Environment Agency predictions are correct, salmon will be seen in the head waters of the Mersey in the next 10 years. That means us! They are in Warrington already and evidently recorded in the Ship Canal (EA publication).

Peter Wood

Poulton Avenue, Breightmet

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.