A NEW image and an expanded role is in store for Bolton's successful Neighbour Dispute Service.

Since it was set up seven years ago the service has helped more than 1,500 warring neighbours settle their differences.

And it is now dealing with increasing numbers of cases other than neighbour problems.

The free service can handle everything from clashes and bullying at work to conflict in the home or at school.

To reflect the wider role it now plays, the service has been renamed Bolton Mediation, with a new logo and leaflet to explain how it can help.


Over the years the organisation has trained about 1,000 people to become mediators and last year alone was approached by 157 members of the public seeking help.

Where both sides agreed to mediation the service boasted a 97pc success rate.

Other councils throughout the country, including Liverpool, Manchester, Blackpool and Cumbria have used the Bolton service as a model for setting up their own schemes.

And recently, Sue Parry, co-ordinator of Bolton Mediation was presented with a Community Award certificate in recognition of the service's good work.

Bolton Mediation is looking for more volunteers to start training as mediators in the Autumn. Anyone interested can contact Bolton 386066.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.