CEDILLA Systems of Manchester has won a £50,000-plus contract to supply a business computer system to Cheshire Masonic Charities.

The company, formed by a management buy-out in 1991, is led by Barry Matthews, born in 1959 and educated at Bolton County Grammar School.

During a 10-year period with Manchester City Council, he rose through the ranks in the planning department to assistant planning officer.

He moved to a small computer company, CITS, which later joined forces with Second City Systems, one of the largest Apple dealers in the UK.

In 1991 Mr Matthews, colleagues Ives Waters and Jason Fazackerly, and others, bought out the systems division of the business.

There are now 18 employees and a £1 million turnover is projected for the end of this financial year.

Cedilla Systems designs and implements financial, accounting and business accounting systems within Navision Financials.

Mr Matthews, who represented his school at gymnastics, athletics, chess and badminton, is a member of the Institute of Directors.

The system being installed at Cheshire Masonic Charities will enable the organisation to run a members' database and process charity donations effectively.

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