A PLAN to build a five-storey complex of shops and offices in Nelson Square has been thrown out by the Planning Committee. The decision could block the redevelopment of this important site for the next 20 years. The site contains the Calendar Bowl works of Richard Hough, Ltd., and an adjoining menswear store.


AN unusual case was heard at Bolton Borough Juvenile Court today when 14 boys, whose ages ranged from nine to 13, were charged with stealing a large quantity of articles and exhibits from the Chadwick Museum, Park-rd. The boys came from several schools, and the stolen goods included 174 sea-shells, seven watches, one dagger, two pistols, two metal figures, 13 electro-fire coins, two birds heads, one squirrel's head, one stuffed bird, one arrow, and an egg shell, the total amount of which amounted to £25. Apart from the items which had been stolen (all had been recovered) a great deal of damage had been done inside the museum. The parents of all the boys were fined £2, and one boy who had been in court on another charge recently was ordered to be sent to a remand home for one month.


ON Saturday, the Leeds and Liverpool Canal burst its banks at Wigan, and flooded a good deal of land. The works, which depend on the canal for water, were, of course, stopped, and a good many operatives thrown out of employ.

ON several parties appearing before the bench at the County Sessions today, Mr Hulton, one of the magistrates, said it had long been his impression that there were more dogs at Westhoughton than paving stones.

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