WHY does our grossly inefficient bureaucratic system waste so much of our Council Tax money on trivial planning and development laws involving such minor matters as the pillared portico in Horwich or the six-foot fence not long ago? Petty rules cause delays and unnecessary expense for developments like glass conservatories, garage construction, small signs, one-room extensions and the like.

At the same time farms, which are exempt from planning laws tend to end up looking like pig-sties, even if they do very little farming but run other side-line businesses like horse-stabling, used tyre dumping and transport depots. Many works sites would pass for refuse tips even though they are largely surrounded by housing. Many houses look more like garage businesses with three, four or five cars/vans parked outside, often on the pavement. Why are so many houses allowed to have gardens which look like a jungle with bushes etc obstructing footpaths on the roadside but their neighbours would be refused a fence to hide them?

Bring more life management into a real world!

Overcharged of


Name and address supplied

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.