IF proof were needed that Wanderers have taken their defensive performances to new heights, it's right there in the statistics.

A shut-out tomorrow will make Jussi Jaaskelainen the first Bolton goalkeeper to keep four clean sheets in a row since November 1990 when Dave Felgate helped Phil Neal's team pull away from the Division Two relegation zone!

The 6ft 3ins Finn would be the first to credit the defenders who protect him with a ring of steel and, in turn, the midfield players who have done their bit to add a subsidiary screen.

But even the best of defences can be breached and it then comes down to the quality of the last man! A confident, quality shot stopper can be worth his weight in gold and, in Jaaskelainen, Wanderers have a 24-carat gem.

He can't claim to have been overworked in the last three games but his one-handed save from Sheffield United top scorer Marcus Bent was as crucial to Tuesday night's win as the Allan Johnston and John O'Kane goals. And, although it was a miss as much as a save when the Blades' runner spurned the chance to pull one back later in the game, JJ stood his ground well.

No wonder then that he has established himself as Wanderers' No 1 ahead of Steve Banks and Keith Branagan, having effectively been third choice at the start of the season. Sam Allardyce cherishes clean sheets and, of the 14 shut-outs Wanderers have managed since he took charge in October, the Finn has kept 12.

In contrast, Vale boss Brian Horton has been caught betwen two stools - long-serving and consistent Paul Musselwhite and former Manchester United starlet Kevin Pilkington, who, although a year older than 24-year-old Jaaskelainen, has far less experience at first team level.

Pilkington, who had a nightmare start to the season when he broke his leg in training, has been vying with his senior partner for the No 1 spot. There has been little to encourage the manager on the defensive score, though. Without a win in 10 games, Vale have taken just one point from their last five ... and conceded 11 goals! Kevin Pilkington Jussi Jaaskelainen

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.