BOLTON'S new junior rounders league got under way at the weekend -- continuing a local sporting tradition that goes back almost 100 years.

Eight teams of local secondary schoolgirls are taking part in the Bolton Sports Federaton Junior Millennium Rounders League at Smithills School and Sharples School each Saturday morning.

They are split into two age groups, with teams from Smithills, Sharples, Withins and Mount St Joseph's competing. The League is run by the senior Bolton Rounders League and comes after years of planning by officials.

Lottery cash has already paid for the training of coaches to teach the traditional game in Bolton secondary schools. And League Secretary Dave Jolly -- a driving force in the new junior initiative -- hopes to get further cash to train more.

"We've got people waiting to train as coaches and more secondary schools have expressed an interest," he said. "So next year, the Junior League should be bigger."

Full coverage of the Junior League, including report, results, fixtures and tables starts in next week's super Bolton Sport.