From the Evening News, July 18, 1975

STORMS hit the North-west last night for the second time this week, causing floods in many areas. Today 120 pupils had to be sent home for the third time in two weeks when a sewer flooded at St Paul's primary school, Walkden. Since the school opened five years ago, it has been flooded 15 times.

BRITAIN'S official inflation rate rose to a new record today with prices rising by 26.1 pence in the £ over the past 12 months.

AT lunchtime today, Bolton's Mr Super-fit, Ken Heathcote, completed the first half of his charity 40th birthday marathon, with a smile on his face and plenty of puff left. It was remarkable considering that Ken had risen at 5am, run 40 miles in five hours five minutes, then proceeded to lift 40,000lbs in a little over 30 minutes. He was trying to raise more than £7,000 in sponsorship for a specially equipped coronary care ambulance for the town.


From the Evening News, July 19, 1950

SIR,- Some of our streets have not had a brush for weeks and some of the back streets are a disgrace, while one can see a large number of gulleys choked up. Bolton was at one time looked on as a clean manufacturing town, but if this state of affairs is allowed to continue it will be the dirtiest.

We are expecting the shopkeepers to give us clean food, and we expect those responsible for our streets to see they are kept clean. - Yours, etc., T.F.