T seems a little ironic to me that, in the same week that our 'caring Government' is quibbling about raising the pension to £90 per week, they are blithely handing out £150 per week to a group of what are, at best, rather dubious characters.

To me, the term 'Asylum Seekers' is one of those deliberately vague, collective phrases beloved of Social Services, used to camouflage the true facts -- that a vast number of these people are totally undeserving of our charity.

Refugee women and children? Unreservedly? True victims of political persecution? To be treated with grave reservations, as many are no more than disruptive political activists, or socially and financially disgruntled citizens looking for easy hand-outs.

Single males? Would they not be better off much nearer their own borders, combining to effect either a political or military solution to their nation's problems, rather than skulking in Britain on free hand-outs?

One can only admire the Palestinians and all they have achieved. There are many very worthy Asylum Seekers, but those who use the suffering of these people to further their own selfish ends deserve contempt, not compassion.

And, as to suitable accommodation. Forgive me, but I don't remember the indigenous population being consulted as to what is, or is not, suitable.

There are far too many British citizens living in sub-standard and unhealthy accommodation. Who cares for them?

Perhaps Mr Singh might be better employed attending to their needs, than of persons who have not yet even proved their genuine credentials.

Personally, I feel that hostel accommodation, perhaps on a disused service camp, would be more appropriate, at least until they are found to be genuine asylum seekers.

And, before you all start screaming, I was one of those young men, 40 to a tin hut, with two coke stoves, outside communal toilets, and no hot water. It did us no harm, and we were taxpaying citizens.

Anyway, these young foreign men will probably feel at home, mingling with released murderers and bombers. Hey Ho. It all adds to the rich pageant of our modern, multicultural society.

R C Bamford

