GRENVILLE Moore has once again attacked me and the forum he helped to set up (Friday, August 11).

However in Saturday's BEN, he redeems himself in pointing out that Harper Green is once again to miss out on any of the funding available to the area.

People of Harper Green should take note of Mr Moore and attack this council for its neglect.

Last year, a grant was won by Harper Green residents worth £22,000 for traffic calming.

The estate was invited to an open forum to discus the issue and were informed that there was not enough cash for humps but a programme of street bollarding would be affective. After balloting the estate, the scheme was sacked by highways with no reason being offered at the time.

The money for the scheme simply vanished without trace.

I have had to put up with abuse from parents wanting safe streets and from people whose businesses would be affected.

Must we degenerate to re-generate?

Residents of Harper Green -- wake up.

Paul Hilton