BE it seatbelts, mobile phones, traffic signals or vehicle licensing, the law on these is treated with contempt.

Add to these that most severely flawed piece of legislation, the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, indicated by a sign more reminiscent of a Disney cartoon.

It only lacks the caption 'Good Dog Bonzo' inviting the ritualistic morning and evening 'Walkies' -- a euphemism is ever there was!

Even more ridiculous, fouling only becomes an offence if the owner fails to pick it up -- fat chance!

This after an area has been contaminated by an indescribably offensive mess which isn't removed completely.

Clearly much severely flawed legislation should never have been promulgated in the first place, and is therefore in need of urgent amendment to 'prohibit' fouling in any place other than within the confines of the owner's property, and forbid access, particularly to parks, recreation areas and cemeteries.

Just in case some dog lover should consider this a restriction on being able to tread the fields and footpaths with their friend, try feeding a horse with hay contaminated by dog faeces.

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