I WAS most interested to read the feature 'Don't Allow Freedom of Speech to Die' (July 21) which has only just come to hand.

My interest lay in the fact that similar conditions of secrecy prevail in other parts of the country, with the introduction of appointed partnerships rather than elected authorities.

The great factor which was missing from the excellent feature was any mention of the EU.

This new system of government is being put in place ready for the regionalisation of Europe.

The break-up of the UK into regions under Brussels where parts of South-east England will be aligned with French regions; parts of northern England placed under the authority of parts of Germany, Holland or wherever the Euroline is drawn on the Brussels map, can only be achieved by stealth and secrecy.

In fact, many of those serving on partnerships are, at the moment themselves, unaware of what lies behind this gigantic shift in how we govern ourselves.

That it should happen at all is tragic, that it should happen in secret is wicked.

As Mark Rossiter writes: "Many brave Boltonians are lying six feet under" others from all over the world, to keep us free not only from secret authorities but from domination by unelected eurocrats or foreign industrialists.

Florence E M Jenner

Hon Sec

CIB (S.E.)