MANY thanks to David Crausby MP for securing the promise from Government that the people of Bolton will be consulted before any decision is made to add fluoride to our drinking water.

Mr Crausby, who has worked hard on this issue, received many letters, the vast majority strongly opposed to fluoridation -- as are most of the letters sent to the BEN.

Contrary to what the "experts" say, commercial grade hexafluorosilicit acid-waste from the phosphate fertiliser industry -- the stuff, I believe, they want to put into our water -- is a poison of a similar toxicity to arsenic.

Yet, they say it is safe at 20 times the level allowed for arsenic.

Like good manners, personal hygiene, it seems, is something not all parents know about.

This being the case, children's teeth should be regularly monitored at school.

Dentists -- if they could find dentists willing to do this sort of work -- would then be able to see if the children's teeth were being looked after at home, and if not, letters of advice to parents would, I feel sure, help solve the problem.

There would still be another problem though.

How to get rid of the toxic waste? But surely our experts can find a better solution than putting it into our drinking water!

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
