IN view of recent correspondence on the vexed subject of water fluoridation in the BEN, your readers may not know that the Government commissioned a review to determine the safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation.

No announcement of the result of the review has yet been made, but on June 5 the following letter was sent to the director of the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York University from the Executive of the National Pure

Water Association. Your readers may be interested in the NPWA's position.

"We have observed the information on the above review on your web site over the past few months and ask that the following comment from the National Pure Water Association Ltd be recorded.

"The National Pure Water Association Ltd expresses its deep disappointment that the criteria for selection of research papers were seriously restrictive.

"We are particularly critical of the exclusion of all existing animal studies, exposure via dermal absorption and the biochemistry of fluoride exposure from sources other than drinking water. Nor did the review consider the total exposure of human populations to toxic fluorides, which essentially determines the severity of adverse health effects. NPWA Ltd regrets that this review represents a missed opportunity to explore the breadth of fluoride research. "Whatever the final report may conclude, the self-evident deficiencies of this review compromise the security of the NHSCRD's findings."

If any claims are made, based on the York review, that water fluoridation is "safe and effective", I urge your readers to remember the position taken by the NPWA on behalf of scientific integrity and the public health.

A copy of the letter and further information may be seen on our website . The NPWA is a founding member of the international Fluoride Action Network - see .

Jane Jones,

Campaign Director