I AM certain that, by now, many of your readers, like myself, must be more than a little bit weary of Sheila Jones' dogged, persistent pushing of pro-fluoridation propaganda at us.

On and on in a never-ending torrent she extols the benefits of fluoridation in the hope that her constant and unremitting utterances will wear down resistance and convince us all.

However, it's about time she realised that no one is listening to her any more and that, like all things constant and repetitious, her messages have now worn paper thin, their substance long extracted, mulled over, debated, and thus rejected by a majority verdict.

Her only argument being the well-worn phrases -- "It's beneficial for children's teeth, and Bolton's dental health is one of the poorest in the country", uttered in as many difference guises as she can construct, in defence of this well-documented poison.

Through your columns, I am requesting that she "put another record on"', as this one is now cracked, worn out and "stuck in a groove".

Alex Hastings (Ms)

Craven Place

