I feel I must write to you to see if you could get some action done on the plight of the sad state of affairs with the NHS.

I would like to see the government step in and ask the lottery organisers to give something to the NHS every month to upgrade the system, increase wages, keep hospitals open and do whatever they can to make England have a health service that we can be proud of.

I would suggest a national poll to see what the general public want doing with 'our' money which we plough into the lottery every week.

I have spent at least four pounds a week on lottery tickets hoping that I win a substantial amount of which I would certainly donate a huge portion to the Health Service.

Seeing as we all need the NHS at some time in our lives I feel that we should insist on some money being donated to it every month.

I have said I would not buy the lottery ticket any more, as I feel not enough is going to deserving causes. Therefore I was wondering if a petition could be organised to get the government moving on this subject.

I would be more than eager to help. I am a full time carer of my elderly mother who is suffering from dementia, and find the health service very caring in whatever needs doing to make life easier for my mother and me.

