HAVING been a bus driver, now retired, I have followed the latest First Bus dispute.

One or two points came to mind with regard to certain comments on strategies as reported in the BEN.

The first regards a strategy by the union, the decision to add Saturday to the strike list.

As most drivers know all non car owning families are working Monday to Friday, and on Saturday catch the bus to shop. Pensioners and some car owners catch the bus on Saturday, the busiest and most takings day is Saturday, hence adding Saturday as a strike day soon got the management to the table.

A second point regards a management quote "let us get the motorist back to thinking about catching a bus," 'Cloud Cuckoo Land' must be near full.

Next time it's pouring down and you stand on your doorstep, ask yourself, 'should I catch the bus or go in the car'. I know because I had a free pass but I went by car, and so do the majority of bus employees.

The advantages of the car are convenience, time, and reliability, three things the bus cannot compete with.

Mr C F Tierney

Lytton Street
