HOW typical of a Council spokesman to comment that if there is a problem with Stoneclough Road, then people should contact the Environmental Department. Ha, what a laugh.

For the last 15 years, residents of Stoneclough have been complaining, and rightly so, about the condition of Stoneclough Road and Stoneclough as a whole.

To say that Stoneclough is ignored time and time again, really is the understatement of this year. Stoneclough misses out year in year out on absolutely every bit of public and private funding, which is going to other areas of Bolton.

To let a child walk up or down Stoneclough Road must be a parents' worst nightmare, it really is such a dangerous road.

The residents were told that Stoneclough Road would be re-surfaced this year, how many children have to die in Stoneclough? How many accidents? How many deaths?

We have a Council which bears no resemblance whatsoever to what it should be, elected by the people of Bolton to act for us all, not the few. Maybe Stoneclough is not riddled with drugs, crime or juvenile crime, however we do have real people with real everyday problems just like the rest of Bolton.

So give the youngsters in Stoneclough what is their right -- safety, happiness, and a share of the public funding which is flooding into the Council.

F Franklin


Stoneclough Action 2000 & Beyond

Whitehead Crescent

