AFTER waiting three quarters of an hour this morning for a bus on Tuesday, October 31, I just had to write this letter.

I would like someone in authority at GM Buses to give a reasonable explanation why the number 8 bus can't be diverted to come down Springfield Road, Kearsley. You guys seem to think the estate finishes on Springfield Road. Wrong, it doesn't.

There is another large estate beyond Mossfield Road. There are a lot of people with children, and a lot of elderly people (me for one), old decrepit and disabled.

I am sick of hearing people moaning on about the poor service we get from the number 22 First Bus (who chose that name by the way? FIRST BUS, it's usually the last!)

Anyway, I would like you to give some consideration to us, the Mossfield Road residents, because nobody else does. And I am referring to our local councillors, all they do is accept hefty payments for doing very little for us.

So come on chaps, give us a replacement for taking the number 28 off the road -- and I promise to put you on my Christmas card list.

J Rutter

Queensway, Kearsley