JUST a few words from my mind, to the mystery person who was speaking his/her mind in the BEN on Monday, October 30, about live and let live. Peace on earth!

Well, I for one don't think you know what you're talking about. If the Muslim community of Bolton, or any other town, city etc, wants to march down Derby Street of Bolton for their country, then I think it's lovely that they do; sticking up for their brothers, sisters, family and friends.

That's all they can do! At least they are doing something. Unlike you who have got nothing better to do and slag off other people trying their best to bring peace to the world! (as you mentioned before).

If everyone, as you say, leaves the trouble in their country and ignores them, then what would this world be? And yes, I do think if there was trouble because of Catholics, Protestants and Anglicans going against Muslim state troops, then they would march for them as well, because Muslims believe in justice, not prejudice.

Thank God the world isn't full of people like you, because you don't even know what peace on earth means!

I saw the march as well, and also witnessed a lot of the town's non-Asian community signing petitions and supporting them and all the innocent children killed. I suppose all you did was check out all the designer labels everyone was wearing!

From a concerned,

fair, human being!

(Name and address supplied)