ISN'T it funny who you meet in the loo?

I was one of the massed throng of journalists and broadcasters at the Granada Studios Tour launch of the 40th anniversary of Coronation Street this week.

During the hectic proceedings I nipped into the ladies' -- to be confronted by a gaggle of Corrie females fussing over Sue Cleaver.

She plays the seen-it-all-before taxi cab controller Eileen Grimshaw at Streetcars, but she was panicking here about a large red wine stain which was spreading over her very attractive blue shot-silk jacket.

Everyone was offering suggestions so I kicked in with "Put some salt on it, then it will brush off" hoping I was right.

It was certainly a view shared by Tracy Shaw (who is the Street's Maxine Peacock) .... so I left them tackling the problem of where to find some salt, as the world's press waited for a chat.