THOSE of us who have lost loved ones, for whom the approaching festive season is a sad and sometimes dreaded time, might need an opportunity perhaps to demonstrate their poignant memories in a practical way.

It was with great joy that I heard of the Bolton Hospice decision to go ahead with the "Light up a Life" campaign. By means of a contribution of from £5 to this, Bolton's own so deserving charity, which does such great work for the terminally ill and their families, a light will burn on a tree in the grounds of our beautiful Parish Church throughout the Christmas and New Year period. A service is to be held there on Wednesday, December 6, at 7pm, not only to remember our lost loved ones, but also to celebrate the lives of those still with us. It will be a social occasion, too, with mince pies and coffee in the Church afterwards.

I understand the BEN is supporting this event in its columns as well as printing an application form. I hope that many other readers of our local paper will see fit to support it too.

Forms are available as mentioned above, in the Bolton Hospice shops, or via the Campaign Office (tel.01204 520040).

A grateful


(Name and address supplied_