I HOPE that BEN readers will be interested in reading this copy of a letter that I sent to the Prime Minister:

"I am not sure if this letter will actually reach you. I hope it does.

I am now 57 years old and feel I am becoming a stranger in my own nation. It started with decimalisation of our currency, our joining the then Common Market, and gradual subtle changes, changes to our national way of life.

I hear the weather forecast given in Continental readings. I hear metric measurements given instead of feet and inches; yards and miles giving way to metres etc.

I cannot buy a quarter of beef, or a pound of potatoes.

On going overseas to Canada, I have to pass through ECC citizens this way, aliens another. Aliens including my late stepfather, a Canadian citizen who was resident in this country and served in the Second World War. Always loyal to the Crown.

Prime Minister, I resent very much all these changes about which 'we the people' have never been consulted, and now we may be in danger of losing our £1 sterling altogether.

Well Prime Minister, I wish to inform you that whatever new changes your government may bring about, I shall never be a European citizen.

I am a loyal subject of her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth the Second, my allegiance is to her, her heirs, and successors.

With all good wishes"

John S Evans

Rodmell Close,

Bromley Cross,
