WE are currenlty making a prime-time documentary for ITV about bad food and malpractises in the UK catering industry. The programme should attract an audience of 7-10 million and we are eager to gather stories from right across the country.

As this is a subject which affects all of us on a daily basis, we are

extremely keen to talk to any of your readers who may have an interesting story to tell. Perhaps they have had a really bad case of food poisoning, or found something particularly unsavoury in their food. Or perhaps they have tales to tell from their experience working in a restaurant, cafe or commercial kitchen. For instance, hygiene horrors, vengeful staff and bad practices.

We would be extremely grateful if you could ask your readers to get in touch with any information they may have.

With your help we hope to make a fascinating programme which exposes the many examples of bad practise that endanger public health across the country.

We can be contacted by phone on: 020 7578 2346 or via e-mail :



If you need any further information please don't hesitate to call us on: 020 7261 3368 or 020 7261 3754.

Ginny Keith


Tel : 0207 261 3754

Fax : 0207 633 2727

