IT WAS good to read of Councillor Walter Hall's objections to the proposed extension of Harwood Quarry, which went to Public Inquiry in October and to know that Bolton Council is on the side of residents on this issue.

One of the key questions surrounding the debate has been safety. The north face of the quarry has basically been rendered unsafe by

totally legal undermining.

Sadly, there was previously no legislation in place to stop such practices, although such methods would not now be allowable.

The Council's technical expert and their barrister proposed that the

best option to make the quarry safe would be to buttress the north face, using materials already available from within the quarry. This would involve no need for extension, no upset for residents, less effect on green belt and conservation area, and no need for all the extra lorries, which the people of Brookfold Lane will otherwise have to tolerate.

My understanding is that although the Inquiry is over and all objections and arguments on both sides have been heard, the Inspector takes up to three month to reach a decision and is still prepared to read representations from loal residents, or interested parties, regarding the best way of making the quarry safe, which has to be a priority for local people.

So, it's not too late to make your voice heard. Written representations go to the Planning Inspector, Mr Lyon, Room 10 /23, Tollgate House, Houlton Street, Bristol, BS2 9DJ.

Dawn Robinson-Walsh

Tottington Road,