I HAVE read with interest the stories of the credit card frauds just recently and would like to point out that it is not just the credit cards that are being used to extract monies from bank accounts, but also Visa cards.

My husband received a Visa statement in September (again with Lloyds TSB), which showed five mobile phone top-up card charges by Vodafone and BT Cellnet totalling £150, used in Darlington, Slough and Newport -- and he does not have a mobile phone.

On speaking to the Fraud Dept at the Visa office, we were told that, to top up a mobile card by Visa, no details are requested from these companies other than the actual number, which is absolutely ludicrous and is inviting crime!

The banks are aware of this kind of fraud and it is being investigated with the mobile phone companies, but something needs to be done urgently.

(name and address supplied)