I HAVE been reading various views in your paper, and I must say BEN is the fairest press at reporting readers' letters that I know of.

However, I would like to point out my opinions on some of society's views briefly.

I don't agree with the Life organisation. If a child's life can be determined and improved through modern scientific methods in the first few weeks of pregnancy, so well and good -- every parent wants healthy babies in mind and body. On the other hand, if science discovers in those first weeks of pregnancy that the baby is going to go through life with severe mental or crippling body deformities, then I sadly agree with a termination.

I will close with my opinion of the anti-experiments on animals group. They are crazy. Let's face it, everyone should look at members of their family, and ask themselves how many have survived serious disease and illnesses that have been due to animal testing to effect a cure.


(name and address supplied)