'GET YOUR flu jab now' -- is the message to Chorley folk.

Experts believe a 'flu virus -- 'New Caledonia' -- will strike the UK this winter, and are urging people to get vaccinated before it hits.

Doctors say vaccination is vital for those in 'at risk' groups -- such as asthma and diabetes sufferers -- because flu can be a killer.

Dr Clive Barker of Library House Surgery, Avondale Road, Chorley, said: "'Flu is a serious illness. It can make a previously healthy person feel very unwell for several days. If you have something like chronic lung disease, or diabetes, then it can make the control of those conditions difficult."

People are entitled to a free 'flu jab it they are aged 65 or over, suffer from asthma or diabetes, or have chronic respiratory illness, heart or kidney disease. It is also free for those who have a weekend immune system due to illness or medical treatment, and those who live in residential or nursing homes.

And there are other cases where a flu jab could be wise. Dr Barker said: "If someone rings up and they are perhaps working in a caring environment where people are vulnerable to getting 'flu from a carer, or if they need to keep well to look after a poorly person, we have to take each case on its merits."

Professor John Ashton, North West regional director of public health, said: "It is of vital importance that vulnerable people who haven't as yet had a flu jab should seek protection before the onset of the 'flu season.

A production problem at the 'flu vaccine manufacturer Solvay meant that many family doctors in the North West were unable to offer immunisation to their patients earlier this year. But supplies are now available to all GP practices.

Vaccines take effect within seven to 10 days and last for a year.