TRAFFIC cops are set to catch queue-hopping motorists in the act.

A special operation will be mounted around the Deane Road and College Way junction after road markings at traffic lights heading away from the town centre were recently altered.

Under the new layout, the right hand lane, at the lights is now only to be used by traffic turning into College Way.

The left hand lane is to be used by cars heading along Deane Road.

But, in recent weeks, Bolton traffic unit have received complaints from motorists who have been 'cut-up' by cars jumping the left-hand queue, then driving up Deane Road.

Last week, Sgt Barry Fairclough monitored the situation at the junction and pulled offending drivers over to warn them.

In coming weeks, special portable video equipment will be set up at the site to catch drivers in a bid to prevent accidents.

Sgt Fairclough said: "Around that area there are a number of junctions which are confirmed accident hot spots.

"We have assessed the situation, following changes to the road markings, and it does deserve attention.

"We have the necessary resources and are committed to doing all we can to improve road safety in the town."

In-car video surveillance caught offending motorists on film as part of the operation this week, with drivers being stopped and warned that further video operations will be mounted in the area.

Any offending motorist can expect court summonses, facing possible charges of driving without due care and attention or driving without reasonable consideration for other road users.