IN reply to Jayne Neville's letter, published December 6.

I also have the misfortune to travel on the A666 towards Manchester, and because of the selfish attitude of drivers like Ms Neville, the journey takes twice as long as it should.

If everyone drove in single file, we would all reach our destination that much quicker, and I applaud the nerve of those drivers who block the outside lane to stop those drivers who think they have the God given right to overtake everyone else, and then expect the more considerate drivers to let them back into the inside lane when the roadworks are reached.

I suggest Ms Neville brushes up on her Highway Code and reads the part on showing consideration to other road users, of which she is not showing much at all with her high handed attitude.

Travelling through the roadworks is stressful enough on its own, let's make it a bit easier by all pulling together.

I Hough
