I AM writing in response to Ms Neville's views of the "vigilante drivers" on St Peters Way (A666) during rush hour periods.

As someone who has to travel to and from Manchester daily, I know all about how much havoc these roadworks are causing and understand the frustration of every driver stuck in the traffic wanting to get home or to work at a reasonable time. Unfortunately we have a hard core of ignorant, arrogant drivers like Ms Neville who think that their needs are greater than yours.

These imbeciles try to drive as far down the outside lane as possible, mostly right up to the entrance to the roadworks and then expect immediate access to the inside lane.

If they are not let in straight away they will push until some poor soul, concerned for their car (and sometimes families welfare), give in and allow them access. Every extra car that shoots down the outside lane, straight to the roadworks and then pushes into the inside lane, slows down the inside lane even more, increasing the length of time that the courteous driver has to endure stuck in the traffic jam.

If Ms Neville and the rest of these 'elite drivers' would wait their turn like everyone else, understand that everyone in that queue wants to get to their destination just as much as they do - and have as much right to do so as these ignorant prats - we would all get home or to work with much less hassle. We cannot educate these arrogant drivers who do not wish to learn patience or common decency, as they obviously have no desire to learn.

They seem to have missed the driving lesson that taught MOST of us to have respect for all other travellers on Britain's roads.

If Ms Neville expects any sympathy whatsoever for her plea of "Please, let people use both lanes and filter in nearer the roadworks", maybe she should learn that she is just one of many in that jam and not the only one who has somewhere to go. So really "If I've got to wait so can you" should actually apply to everyone not just the patient ones with enough road sense to get in early.

I am one of the "pathetic people" who will continue to drive very slowly down the outside lane, from the 800 yard marker to the roadworks, staying level with someone in the inside lane until we get to the roadworks together without slowing the inside lane down and will continue to do so until either, certain people learn some manners or the roadwork's come to completion.

Name and address


Steve Preston 78, Crossdale Road, Breightmet, Bolton BL2 5NE (Please use "name and address supplied"

>or SP)