ALMOST 6,000 day-trippers have visited the magical Egyptian show on display at the Reebok Stadium in just four days.

The Tutankhamun and the Treasures of the Pharaohs Exhibition has been a huge hit with thousands of people flocking to the event each day.

A straw poll of those attending showed that people from around the North-west have been drawn to see the famous mask of the boy king, Tutankhamun, and the 300 other items and replicas of treasures of the tomb discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922.

Exhibition spokesman Frank Gilfeather said they had been delighted with the response.

He added: "It has been wonderful to see the faces of the youngsters as they see the golden mask or the three golden sarcophagi for the first time. They have been dumbstruck by the magnificence of it all."

The exhibition ends on April 29 and it will be open through the Easter weekend. It is closed on April 21.