A SNOOKER playing pools syndicate from Bolton, has "potted" a £113,000 win. The 10 members of the syndicate at the British Rail Staffs Association Club in Green Lane, were expecting their golden break to land them between £25,000 and £80,000. Leader of the syndicate, Ken Hall, aged 40, who is steward at the club, said today: "This was only our fourth ever entry."


From the Evening News,

April 14, 1951

SIR,- On Saturday evenings I have been in the habit of calling at the "local", and I have noticed that barmaids have two four-gallon buckets which are apparently used for "remains" returned to the bar by the waiters a few minutes before closing time. And I made a decision - no more draught beer for me until I know just what happens to the "remains". For I noticed something else - the bitter and the mild seemed to be poured very carefully into separate buckets. M.P.S.

(Inquiries we have made indicate that there is no need to fear that waste beer is used again. As one licensee stated: "We are all concerned that the beer we sell should be pure. After all, some of us drink beer ourselves." - Editor)


THE following sentence was passed at the Salford Sessions on Wednesday: Edward Anderson, 36, painter, for doing bodily harm at Farnworth, was sentenced to one day's imprisonment and ordered to pay £5 compensation top the prosecutrix (Catherine Mann) for the injuries which she had received.

AT the Borough Court this morning, Peter Kelly, labourer, Hall-street, was fined 5s and costs for neglecting to send his child to school.