JAN Creamer of the National Anti-Vivisection Society (Chorley Citizen letters, April 5) would like to have all animal research abolished at the expense of seriously ill patients and we'd like to give those of you with muddled priorities the opportunity to sign our Animal Research Abolition Card and practice what they preach.

I would suggest many of your readers might not be so eager to jump on the idealisitc bandwagon if it meant giving up the many medical benefits some take for granted.

Individuals should enclose a SAE and agree to honour three principles which reflect their extremist beliefs, namely:

In the event of an accident or emergency theyr wil refuse all medical treatments dveloped and tested on animals, including blood transfusions, anaestehtics, anticoagulants, sutures, antibiotics, open heart and other type of surgery.

If their chld suffers form a genetics ilness or other serisous condition they will not allow them to have life saving treatment developed through animals research. None of their opetys shall rceieve veterinary vaccins or medicine thta has been deveoped or tested on animals.

Seriously Ill for Meeical Research (SIMR) is a patients' group which supports the humane use of naimals and genetic technology where necessary in medical research.

Our members suffer frm illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, dioabetes asthma, arthritis and many many more.

For further information please write to SIMR, PO Box 504, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 2LV or contact www.simr.org.uk or email info@simr.org.uk

Thomas Bromley

PO Box 3126


West Sussex.