STUDENT rowers left the river behind and headed for the pub over the weekend -- in a bid to row their way to buying a new boat.

The eight-strong group took it in turns to climb aboard a dry-land rowing machine at the Man and Scythe pub, in Churchgate, Bolton.

And the experience saw them raise close to £1,000, leaving them just short of their £15,000 target.

Each of the group's members are part of the Men's First Rowing Eight from Manchester University.

They began their 24-hour rowing session on Saturday at 6pm.

Now they need just £2,500 to replace their boat, which was destroyed in a road accident in December. They got the idea for a dry-row from Delaney Brindle, the 21-year-old daughter of the pub's landlady, Janice.

One of the rowers, Mark Woodmansey, 23, said: "It's been incredibly tiring. I only had three hours sleep in the whole 24-hour period. It was good fun and I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end."

The group needs the boat to compete at the international boat race in Henley.

Pub goers betted on how far the group could row in half-an-hour and, following the student's effort on Sunday night, punters were allowed to have a go for fun.