My house is now sold, and I've selected another,

I'm just waiting for solicitors to get it all together

Then I can pack up my life into neat little loads

And move forwards, with hope, into my next episode.

Yet I cannot settle, the whole house seems hostile

Like a lover abandoned without knowing why

When it was so much desired all those years past

A relationship that was doomed not to forever last.

I know all its quirks, its strange little ways

Yet much as I love it, I no longer want to stay.

Retirement beckons, I seek pastures new

But its new owners, I'm sure, will love it too.

They'll bring with them new life , decorations afresh

It will no longer be mine, but their new address.

I hope they'll be happy, that their dreams are all sweet

And mine also, in my 'twilight' retreat!

Eliza James