I AM responding to your letter from "Irate resident" in tonight's BEN (August 16).

I am not ultra-politically correct, but I do support wholeheartedly the Council's Equal Opportunities policy in all its aspects including race.

It surprises me that people would give their eye teeth to reside within the confines of a cathedral close and, in fact, the value of the desirable properties there is enhanced by their proximity to a cathedral and its grounds. For example, I understand that Edward Heath lives within the close of Salisbury Cathedral.

How odd it is, therefore, that the proximity to a mosque has the opposite effect. House prices drop (or do they), residents raise objections and a protest group and petitions are organised.

Could this be described as racism? It certainly is not religious prejudice. Incidentally, I do not sit on the Planning Committee, so have no say in the outcome of any application.

Margaret E. Clare (Councillor)

Silchester Way,
