AFTER 50 years of letter-writing to the BEN, I decided that your readers must be fed-up with reading the views of an opinionated old man and vowed to give it up.

However, as an ex magistrate, one of the few remaining that sat in both Bolton's courts, I feel I must congratulate the BEN, MPs, our council and the local solicitors in your efforts to retain the one remaining court.

I am aware that, with democracy dying in this country, the powers that be take little notice of public opinion, but, nevertheless, we must all make our views heard on this issue.

What distresses me is the lack of support from other bodies. In my day, someone would have been organising a march to express Bolton's disapproval. What, for example, is the Trades Council doing? It is in fact that the majority of people, including trade unionists, have to attend court, mainly as a witness, at least once in a lifetime. Most find it an ordeal, made worse if they have to travel out of town. Will the cost fall on the witness or the taxpayer? Perhaps we should start a petition declaring our refusal as Boltonians to attend court as a witness outside Bolton. I would sign it.

What are the political parties doing? Surely this issue is important enough to be raised at a national conference? What are local magistrates doing? Are they threatening to resign en masse in protest?

What are the public service unions doing? Many of them have to attend court in a variety of different types of local cases. Will they be given extra staff to cover for the extra time spent on the road? I doubt it. Employers' organisations will suffer in the same way, as will the police. How many "bobbies on the beat" will this cost? Are police leaders and police unions making the appropriate noises in the appropriate areas?

The decision obviously affects all Boltonians. Can I appeal to you, reader? Anyone who belongs to a political party, employers' organisation, trade union, residents' association, mothers' union, old people's organisation, sports club, licensed club, youth club etc -- make sure your voice as an organisation is heard.

The BEN deserves and needs your support on this important issue.

George K Brown

Barncroft Road

