MEMBERS of Victoria Hall ADS promise to deliver the Thriller of the Year.

This is no idle boast for its the name of the group's next production which, written by Glyn Jones, will be performed next Monday, Friday and Saturday at 7.15pm.

The play follows the plight of a successful thriller writer who becomes the victim of a series of bizarre and frightening incidents which have strange parallels to her works of fiction.

In a twist of fate, fiction and fact conspire against the author but who is responsible?

Everyone is a suspect, and of course, audience members are left until the last moment to discover if their hunches prove correct.

The performances are at Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton, in the Lower Theatre. Tickets, £3.50 for adults, £2.50 for concessions, from Anne on 0161 703 7570, or Linda on 01204 845493. Seats are half price on Monday.