I RECENTLY read the concrete and steel lampposts could, in the near future, be replaced by lampposts made from plastic.

This, the article said, was to protect motorists from serious or fatal injuries caused by colliding with lampposts, which apparently happens frequently.

As I have never seen a lamppost in the roadway, it would be safe to say that motorists who run into them do so after mounting the pavement.

If there is nothing to bring these speeding motorists to an abrupt halt -- ie a concrete or steel lamppost, or maybe a tree, then we can assume they will travel for a considerable distance along the pavement, hitting those pedestrians unfortunate enough to be walking or standing there at the time.

Perhaps this plan will save the limbs or lives of irresponsible motorists -- irresponsible that is, because most of those who hit lampposts do so when speeding -- but at the expense of innocent pedestrians.

Many of those who speed -- ie breech the speed limit, or travel too fast in difficult driving conditions -- will, when they realise all they can crash into are "soft" lampposts and even softer pedestrians, be tempted to drive even more irresponsibly.

A simple deflector barrier along the known black spots would perhaps be a better option. After all we do need to separate motorists from pedestrians, not give them "soft" options to drive on the pavement!

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove, Bolton