I FEAR I must reply to your correspondents in your article regarding "Cash for Hospital".

They are missing the point. The money is specifically for use of staff for leisure purposes, and not for anything else.

I was in hospital recently, and I feel that if this money can help to relax a dedicated and hard-working staff, it can only be for the best.

I don't know where the letter writer was in hospital, but on my ward the food was first class. We had a choice of four main meals and three starters. It was always hot, served on time, and served with smile.

Another correspondent was unfortunate to have had to wait so long. I must have been lucky, because within one hour of admittance I was on a ward. But he also misses the point. The use of the exercise cycles and other amenities are for periods when the staff are off duty.

K Atkinson

Kilby Close

