A NEW drive has been launched in Bolton to advise confused residents of their basic rights.

The Bolton and District Branch of the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) launched their Advice Service Delivery Scheme after regional studies showed nearly 50 per cent of residents do not know their employment, benefit and consumer rights.

The survey revealed many people are unsure of their rights relating to income, entitlements, health service fees, workplace holiday entitlements and rights of returning second-hand or faulty goods to high-street stores. The statistics were compiled to mark National Advice Week which runs this week.

Under the Advice Service Delivery Scheme, housebound pensioners can contact the Bolton branch in Mawdsley Street for a benefit check-up.

CAB officer Ann Eastham said: "It is often the most needy, the elderly and people with disabilities, who are missing out. With the introduction of new tax credits, there is even more for people to grapple with."

Residents are also invited to call Bolton's CAB for advice on employment, including minimum wage, paid holidays and maternity queries.

Bolton and District CAB Manager Barry Lyons added: "New employment rights are bringing more remedies, but our case load shows that many employees, particularly those in low paid jobs, remain vulnerable to bad employment practices and exploitation."

The new scheme also hopes to attract people needing advice with education, housing and debt problems.

Mr Lyons added: "Advice week is all about letting people know what their CAB can do for them, right at the heart of their community. Bolton and District CAB helped more than 16,000 people last year throughout the borough with a range of problems.

Help will also be at hand throughout the week at Asda stores in Farnworth, Middlebrook and Astley Bridge.

Bolton and District CAB, in Mawdsley Street, is open from 9.30am until 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It opens until 7.30pm on Fridays.

Contact advisers on 01204 900200 or an advice line on 0870 1264038.