WHILE I tend to agree with Counc Stuart Lever, when he says that the Royal Bolton Hospital would be bankrupt if it were a business, due to the misguided management. I cannot understand why he is so upset at them spending the latest £25,000 on the staff.

It would seem that they had no option. According to the BEN, this is Government money being given to the hospital "to improve the working lives of health staff".

Maybe Stuart should vent his anger on the government, who, in having this money to throw about, should perhaps have directed it to where it is most needed, to patient care.

I must say that it does strike me as being somewhat contrary, that overworked staff should want to spend this money on TVs, videos, music systems, and even more surprisingly on exercise bikes, when portable fans, roller skates, and a constant supply of energy-giving drinks would have seemed far more appropriate.

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
