A FREE seminar will explain how companies can grow by doing business electronically without tripping over the legal implications of trading online.

The event, called Maximising Your eBusiness, is on Thursday October 11 at the offices of Keogh's Solicitors at The Parklands, Bolton, and is jointly presented by three local eBusiness experts.

Solicitor Andrew Herricks of Keogh's will explain how contracts, jurisdictional issues, distance selling regulations and cybersquatting can affect companies doing business over the internet.

Simon Collins, head of software development at Banderolo.com will illustrate the value of strategic eBusiness investment and present case examples of how doing business electronically helps companies grow.

Sue Warburton from Business Link North Manchester will outline the eBusiness support services it provides to local companies.

There will be opportunities to ask questions and seek advice from the experts.

The event is the first event of its kind that Keogh's, Banderolo.com and Business Link have held.

To book a place, contact Debbie Vosper at Keogh's Solicitors on 677000. The event starts at 4.30pm and closes with questions at 6.20pm followed by a finger buffet.