WITH regard to the recent letter in the BEN, whereby John S L Evans proclaims his doubts about the Bible, and claims religion is based on faith not fact.

As a Christian, I would like to point out that faith grows BECAUSE of the facts.

John also states that he "cannot believe a man can walk on water, raise the dead or feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes."

Well, the facts are that the "man" who walked on water was, in fact, Jesus Christ, the son of God. He certainly was not merely "a man".

The Bible's teaching, particularly in the New Testament, sends out one main message -- love one another. I really don't see how people can have a problem with that.

Sadly, most people whom I find condemn the Bible, are those who haven't taken the trouble to read and study it.

This is precisely why the world is in such turmoil.

David Chapman

Bromwich Street
