I AM appalled at the hospital situation in Great Britain, who brought the whole civilised world into the 20th century with improvement of hospital care and good hygiene, giving all patients a better chance of recovery.

After 200 years patients are being operated on in hospitals who have the lowest record of poor hygiene and cleanliness. It's about time the DHSS gave these Trust members the boot.

Even when I was a mere boy living over a mile away from Kings College Hospital, I could smell the disinfectant hanging in the air. All the hospitals then were completely spotless, you could eat your food off the floor.

The white coats and aprons of the doctors and the nurses, together with the bedding, was crisp in utter cleanliness, and only the Lady Almoner kept the records -- now we nave an army.

Isn't it amazing that the good old DHSS offers stars to the best hospitals, according to how they are run. The mind boggles that we have resorted to this practice.

Edward G Hill

Wemsley Grove

Tonge Moor
