FOR a terrorist organisation to say they have committed an act of violence in the name of their God should be given as much creedance as serial killers who claim to have murdered after hearing voices in their head from God telling them to do so.

As such, we should dismiss any religious references connected with the tragedies in the US.These have been brought into the argument by the terrorists to muddy the waters and to try and create a schism between the Moslim world and the predominantly non-Moslim western world.

What we should examine and what requires a major shift in policy is to examine the disparity between nations (a sure breeding ground for contempt). This is a long term objective but for the short term I have to disagree with the pacifists -- action must be taken.

Negotiation is not an option. These men made no demands when they hijacked the planes, they asked for nothing, their motive was hatred.

Most people must surely agree that action must be taken. I do not consider the impending Allied action an agressive act but more a defensive measure to hopefully avoid an escalation of terror on our shores.

Remember: "All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing".

Marek Kamella

Glade Street
