WE would like to tell you about the Government's Home Energy efficiency Scheme that provides grants up to £2000 to make your home warmer, more energy efficient and more secure.

The grant provides gas room heaters, electric storage heaters, loft insulation, draughtproofing, cavity wall insulation and much more.

The scheme runs in the West Midlands, South West, London, South East, North West, and North East and focuses on households with the greatest health risk, older people, people with children under 16, and people who are disabled or chronically sick.

The scheme is particularly aimed at owner-occupiers and people who rent their homes from private landlords, as this group contain the largest number of households in difficulty. To qualify you must be in receipt of one or more of the following benefits; Income support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Job-seekers Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Disabled Living Allowance.

This information was provided by MAG2000 the free online information service. For further details visit our web site at www.mag2000.co.uk or e-mail us at mag2000@

madasafish.com or tel: FREEPHONE 0800 316 6011.

Sandra Royle

Mag2000 Editor the free

online information service

from the Millennium

Action Group